
I continuously attempted to follow those Pixar-eye tutorials for Blender, and it was so frusterating…then, all of a sudden, it clicked. These are my own variations of it. You get the real feel if you see it animated (a simple rotation to get the reflections and such), but I can only do Jpgs.
Do be honest…is it Pixar material (haha). The blue is not my favorite (all I did was change the texture of the Iris for different eyes).


really great…now all you need is a character =)

yeah your right.the blue…looks fake…i like the green the best…

Look quite good.

where do you get Pixar’s tutorials?

Thank you, that makes me feel good. Work pays off!
The tutorials aren’t Pixar’s tutorials, rather tutorials created for the purpose of recreating Pixar eyes. Some links:http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/Creating_Pixar-looking_eyes_in_Blender
Both tutorials are very informative (the second one is a must read for eyes) - lol.