Face Clipping on House Wall

Hi there,

ill try to create an wall for an house. I use this wall as part for an model within secondlife.
Well, the wall is an replacement for another wall of an existing house. The frontside of the wall is created with 2 faces wich act as Layers. The upper one is with an transparent texture ofc.

Now my problem: The creator of the original house wall managed it, so the wall and the shadowfacelayer wont clip and flickering.

Unfortionally i cant recreate it with my wall. How have he done it? Maybe someone can help me. I added the blend file with original wall and replacement wall. ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/16yE9-BphgmP4TFtLe9HTJChWMz72ax0y/view?usp=drive_link )

Hope someone can figure out whats the difference to mine and tell me please, how to do this.

Thx very much
Geetings C.

can’t download file without permission. Do you use 2 different geometries for the layers or is it all in one texture?

Sorry, i updated the permissions. Should be downloadable now.
Its 1 Geometry with 2 Different Materials, each materials has its own texture.

in your file each wall actually is 2 walls exactly overlapping. That’s what causes the Z-fighting
just go to edit mode, select a vertex and move it to see.
(they are not connected either, but that shouldn’t matter here. maybe it is a result of the import)

I’d say delete all overlapping points and make one material that mixes the two or select all of the geometry that is supposed to be the upper layer and move it to the front a little. Keep in mind that in eevee you have to set the opacity mode to alpha blend for this to work.

Y i know this. its 2 Walls. The one that overlaps is an transparent texture containing conture highlights.
Same its done on original wall, without the clipping. they seem to be exactly overlapping. Thats why iam wondering. In original wall they are also in 2 Materials, each with an own texture (same textures and materials used). there it seem to work.

U can see this on the other wall, next to mine, the one with the bigger gap.

Do you know why its working there without any z-fight? After using it in secondlife there is also no z-fight on original, just on mine.

no idea why the original mesh isn’t z-fighting. moving the replacement object’s upper layer mesh a tiny bit apart should solve it. but without alpha options turned to hashed or blend it will be opaque anyway .- at least in eevee. I don’t know anything about 2nd life but imho this is a really bad way to do this. I’d rather recommend trying it with a single material…

Mh ok. So i need to try arround what might work. Maybe someone other also has an idea, why it doesnt happen on the original walls, but on mine. And thx very much for your help ofc.

Just to have mentioned why its on 2 materials:
When i upload an obj to secondlife, there are some restrictions. There can be only a maximum of 8 faces per obect. 1 Material represents 1 selectable face within secondlife. i can add the uploaded texture then onto the face. Textures are limited to an maximum of 1024x1024. To prevent unsharp, i use 1 texture per face. :smiley:

How is this original wall supposed to work anyway? in your file there is no alpha channel involved, so when you select the faces with “wall texture” and hide them, there is no visual difference.

in secondlife i simply add the texture that includes the alpha channel. And set the face there to blend, while the wall behind is set to alpha channel none. its taking this, thats why it doesnt matter channel i set in blender. I added a screenshots of the face with the highlights, which representing the material in blender.

i was just wondering about, why also without alpha channel the original wall has no z-fighting, while mine has. There must definitly be a reason for and ofc a difference. And if i could figure out, what the difference is… that would help alot ^^

can’t say for sure. My guess is that when you import the wall, the verts of both layers have the exact same position values and when you make adjustments to those they are close but no cigar anymore because of rounding errors? talking out of my ass here. But move the faces of the original just a bit and see how it glitches. (do these z-fights travel over to the export as well btw.? )

Yes, this glitches are on the exported file than. Will say: The Z-fight occurs in secondlife after import and texturizing it there (depending of camera distance and ankle ofc. I also tried to move the vertices a bit forward (0.0019 mm). Also tried more already. Still z-fighting. I need to move them very much forward to prevent z-fight in sl. that distance i need for, would make it visible that there is a gap between the 2 layers.

Funfact: Original Wall also works in secondlife. Both seem to be almost on same position or an offset not more than 0.001907 mm i think, and no z-fight. really strange

anyway, blender needs the alpha channel to do alphastuff. Just plugging in a png with rgba wont make anything transparent in the viewport.

i know.

just to show you how it behaves in secondlife, same thing, same 2 walls:


yeah. I’m out of ideas. Maybe someone more accustomed to 2nd life has to chime in :smiley:
this is what I get with alpha channel and blend. no z-fight

how did you model the new wall? did you check uv maps?

i modeled it from scratch.

UVMap Position of the wall parts (left,middle,right) are set on same positions like on original wall.

set this, still ankle based flickering can be recognized. it’s just less recognizable but not gone.

Just did a very quick read… but:

What came to my mind… one sided faces… in blender Material → Settings → Backface Culling … ???

IDK if this has to be set explicitly in secondlife…

backface culling is enabled. In secondlife it doesn’t matter.
If there is no real face in blender, it’s also not in secondlife.