Face Set Operators

This is a feedback/communication thread for Face Set Operators add-on.

Fundamentally, what this add-on does is give you the ability to paint face groups for whatever purpose you might need it: for separating mesh by materials, geometry nodes, UV unwrapping, etc.

Operators include:

  • Face Sets to Materials
    Creates material slot for each face set. Mainly useful for Quad Remesher add-on

  • Face Sets to UVMap
    Creates UV islands (or just seams) from hand-drawn face sets.

  • Face Sets to Vertex Groups
    Creates vertex group for each face set. Makes it possible to select face sets in edit mode and work on them.

  • Face Sets to Attribute
    Creates integer attribute for cached face sets that can be used in geometry nodes or shading.

  • Mask from Edit Mode Selection

  • Like the similar built-in operator for face sets, it creates mask from edit mode selection

Feel free to throw ideas at me. And share what you create if you use those features.



I just tested this with the face set to vertex group and it works fine. would it be possible though, if after modifying the generated vertex group, to then convert that back into face sets?

Might be, I’ll give it a test once I have time

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I have rewritten the add-on to be more performant, added new feature and put it on extensions platform. You can get it there from 4.2 onwards and get updates automatically.

I will not support other platforms from now on.