I’d like to make a face that is only visible from one side and transparent if you see it from the other side. How is that possible?
I’d like to make a face that is only visible from one side and transparent if you see it from the other side. How is that possible?
in the game engine or not?
in the game engine any face not flagged as twoside and flagged in general (as in you entered face mode on it, or pressed the vertex color or texmesh button in the edit buttons) will be rendered from the other side.
not in the game engine I heard that turning off normal flipping (by pressing “No V.Normal Flip” in the edit buttons would do it, but I’ve never seen it work. Would be nice if I could get it to.
Well both would in fact be interesting to know, but actually I’m mostly interessed in normal rendering (no game engine).
The documentation says that the ‘Double Sided’ button has only effect on the 3D window (but it doesn’t make the face disappear, it makes the face black). And there’s the ‘No V.Normal Flip’ that should theoretically have an influence on the rendering, but I don’t quite understand the doc:
Anyway, what I understand is that this won’t make my face invisible from the other side! :<
Make face A and add a material and texture. Add another face on the side you want it to be invisible and add only the default material and turn ‘Env’ on and ‘Traceable’ and ‘Shadows’ off.
this will work, but only if you want to show the World. It’s not truely making the face invisible (meaning it would not show an obect behind it).
Sorry! I read my post again and I don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote that!
For ‘Face’ read ‘Plane’ !!!
Yes, Theeth is right. It’s just plane B hiding plane A.
Yes, I understood your face-plane
Thanks for that tip, I learned what that mystic Env button does! lol
But as you say both, it doesn’t truly show what’s behind, it only shows the world settings…
Ok, so I don’t think there’s a true way to make a face invisible from one side in Blender. A possible work-aroud could probably be to use bluescreen-like logic thanks to the Env plane that reveals the background…
Thanks to your help Fligh an Theeth!
remove the planes (both of tehm) and render the entire scene out without them, then using the sequence editor overlay a render with the faces in it (using an alpha over setting in the sequencer), the world in the background will now be replaced by the original render
it will take 2x as long to render but will work exactly how you want, its very simialr ot the blue screen logic.
Yes, of course!!
I thought it shoud be possible to do it all in the sequence enditor, but I’m not very used to it, so I didn’t think that there was such an elegant solution!
Thanks, that’s great