Faces has two normals, why, how, how to remove one normal?


ok, what the hell is going on here? I have a triangle having two normal vectors (I must admit that this is an imported collada file). How can I correct this, so the triangle has only one normal (not using python)?

I attach the .blend file as well (tris.blend (529 KB)).

Any enlightment would be much appreciated.


from the header it looks like 2 faces
select 1 and delete ~ only faces

hope that helps

See header for number of faces

Thanks for the hints, but my screenshot shows that I only have 3 (!) vertices (whereas you have 6 vertices, and therefore you are able to create two triangles)

I am able to resolve this using pyhton bmesh.faces.remove(), but that can’t be it, can it?

that I only have 3 (!) vertices (whereas you have 6 vertices, and therefore you are able to create two triangles)
There are two triangle faces made from the same 3 vertices. Converting from one file format to another can cause errors. Split one face from the other with shortcut Y

Thanks again, but I don’t see how split will help. When selecting only 1 or 2 vertices, I can split those. When selecting three, apparently nothing happens (the vertex count in the header does not increase, either). However, I have no real experience with split…

You don’t want the vertices to split. Richard told you to split the faces. Not the vertices.
Select one triangle, press <y> to split it in the same object, or press <p> to separate it into a separate object.

Isn’t that the same thing if the 3 selected vertices make a face?

Anyway here’s a example .blend of what you are all talking about, but I can’t see any problems with just selecting one of the faces and deleting it.

What Blender build version are you using? Can you post a .blend example file?

Oop! Just noticed you did post an example, lol
Well I still had no problems deleting one of the faces in your example .blend file.


example.blend (484 KB)

you can split in face mode it does work!

i run a script to analyse the data
and there is only 3 verts and 2 faces!

but still strange that you have 2 faces with only 3 verts

do you remermber how you did that error

report this as a bug and see what you get as answer!
let us know what happen

happy blendering

OP said it was an imported file
I didn’t know if blender could delete one face in that case!!
but I didn’t know about Y so I learnt something :wink:

i remermber a bug for imported file and double faces
so this is a bug
report it with all info
and dev will have a look on how to correct it !

happy blendering