Facial Animation Rig - Released, .blend available

I’ve decided to release my face rig - free to anyone for any use. I don’t even care if I’m notified or credited.

It was just sitting on my hard drive collecting dust.

As far as I know this is the most detailed face rig freely available to blender users outside of the Orange project. While there are certainly excellent free rigs available, the facial expressions component of those rigs are very simple. This set of blendshapes, is based on the excellent book ‘Stop Staring’, by Jason Osipa.

I made it mostly as an exercise to become familiar with the process.

Is there a repository for this kind of thing?

.blend ----> http://www.merit-display.com/blendshapes/Assymetry_Head_Rig.zip

note: the eyes are not completely hooked up, ie., there is no separate control for right or left blinking. some enterprising individual might want to finish it and repost. also, the new pydrivers feature in CVS will allow texture maps to be hooked up to the controls. so, for example, a bump map covering the forehead could be activated when the character raises his eyebrows, creating the creasing in the forehead. this wasn’t possible when i started this project.

here’s an earlier version of what the model looks like smoothed, since the view showing the controls isn’t too flattering:


I’ve been looking for more .blends like this to study off of. I’ve been preparing my old (Very bad Topology) characters for facial animation and fixing them up and such. This is just what I needed.
Great work.

anyway you let your reference pic into blend :slight_smile:

you look really like a blendie.

thx for sharing

Whoa, this is so nice. Thank you.

i’m not the individual in the reference pics. that’s someone i work with.

For some reason, you’ve set this up so that everything points in the positive y-zxis. Is there any reason for this? Having it face towards you in Front View would make more sense.


i was battling the ‘mirror RVKs’ script, which was quite useful but confusing, and this is what worked for me, through trial and error. i should note that the mirror RVKs script is essential to a project like this, without it this would not have been possible.

if you grab the head and rotate it 90 or 180 or whatever degrees on the z axis, it should be fine.

Really cool model but even more so really cool rig. It’s good to see what I can shoot for some day.:slight_smile:

Weeeeeeeeeeee:D this is soo much fun.

wow this is really cool. I have a question for you:

Why in obj. mode are some edges not shown on the model? They are all shown in edit mode…I never saw that before.

I cannot express my thank you in words so I will do so in a .jpg


This is amazing…! I’ve gotta learn this! NOW! UAAH! Great work!

Roja: It might be the buttons in the editing-menu, “Slower draw”, “Faster draw”. Try making a sphere, have it selected in obj. mode, and press “Faster draw” repeatingly, and some edges will dissappear. Opposite when “Slower draw” is pressed.

Very well done.

Ah yes that was it, thanks Marve!

Similar to the Ludwig Toon Character Posted here some time ago, just realistic
this time around. Very nice!

More like this would be great for the community…
//The M.h.p.e.

I can only begin to imagine the work that went into this!
Thanks for sharing it with us, I’ve been looking for this.

Thank you sooo much.