Failed to solve the motion

i have 20 tracks and it still gives me this error:
failed to solve the motion, most likely there are no good keyframes
cockroches.blend (3.7 MB)
here is the file of the blender project im trying to track.
if i unmark keyframes it gives me “atleast 8 common tracks on both keyframes are needed for reconstruction”

Hi Salsa,

Basically you’re getting the error:

"at least 8 common tracks on both keyframes are needed for reconstruction”

…because you need at least 8 active markers being tracked on each frame for Blender to be able to create a camera solve from it i.e. You have 23 tracks but you don’t have at least 8 of them active at the same time on each frame.

Just a note! If you find you need more help then you will probably need to provide the actual video footage.

ooh i didn’t know about the 8 active markers being tracked on each frame part, thanks for helping me out i’ll try to get more active trackers on the scene

can you please explain Active Markers means …?
Thank you