Falling particles seamless loop with geomerty nodes

Hi, guys!

Just replicated ‘Blender Guru’ basic donut tutorial. But did not manage to figure out how to create seamless falling particles animation on geo-nodes. Andrew hasn’t drop a word on a topic. Neither did respond in comment section))…
The closest technique I’ve found is - seamless loop - but for some reason it did not worked out for me as it’s presented in video.

File - my attempt on donut
Please advise on how to achieve seamless animation loop with geonodes setup.

Thanks a lot in advance!

It’s a bit harder to loop particles with randomized speed. Here is one example how to loop it, hope this helps

donut_copy_loop.blend (188.4 KB)


Much appreciated, higgsas!

Seems like it works perfectly! Did not get how exactly (with no Wrap node at all), but I’ll try to figure out the algorythm tomorrow))…

Thank you a lot for assistance!

UPD: Noticed some particles randomly teleporting from nowhere in the middle of sequence (frames 51…52, 83…83, etc.) but still! Guess it’s because of camera view…