fantasy character WIP

hi guys:D

i just started to model a fantasy character,

i show you some concept and one render of where i arrived whit modeling.
when i finshed the model i would go into details with the sculpt and after posing the character.

comments and criticism welcome:D


sorry for my bad english


Fantastic work thus far. Is there a story behind this character?

This looks fabulous so far :slight_smile: I’m loving the detail.

His crotch looks a little weird. Looks like a small subsurf issue. Easy to fix.

I look forward to seeing more progress on this dude. Happy blending :smiley:

thanks Asano:)

the idea was to rapresented an assasin zombie character, i think to create a night scene where the character launched from a tower to a poor victim :smiley:

i hope to do what i have in my mind, but the way is still long…

bye guys

thanks Robo3Dguy:D

will try to resolve the problem you’ ve rightly noted , thank for the advice:yes:

you soon with more updates


Very nice attention to detail. Keep it up!

Thank you guys:)

I’m glad you like it for now …

I put a rendering of where I arrived until now…

Hello everyone:D


I like his toes. :wink: The chains are awesome too!

love the detail

Amazing detail, this is a very great character! Keep it up, 5*

EDIT: I just figured out what this reminded me of: Fable. Your style reminds me alot of fable 1, I haven’t played the second one so I don’t know what that looks like.

hi guys:)

this is new updates…

i will start shortly phase of sculpt :eyebrowlift2:



hi guys

i show you new updates

now i will start the process of sculpting :yes:


you soon
