Fast OBJ importer (C++, much faster than the build-in importer)

UPDATE20191219 fix some uv error.
in this version,you need to replace all the py and dll file to update

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This model is not imported correctly.

If “Split as Objects” active, getting the error.

UPDATE20191220 fix this error when the option(Split as Objects) is off.

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I can’t import anything now :frowning:

“OSError: exception: access violation writing”

updated again.

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Excuse me, but should the DLL be in the addon or should I copy to another location?

@imdjs please collaborate with the devs and improve blender! You will learn how to develop for blender

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Thanks a lot! Import works well, but when an object is imported, it has two users, because of this, you can’t apply a transformation to the object.

fix this problem

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I will put all the code to GitHub when it become stable.

Any updates on this? I’m very interested in the progress of this addon.

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now this project is on the github:

the next update is coming include exporter.


Hey @imdjs , I’m getting this error when I tried in Blender 2.91 version:

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\filibis\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\IMDJS_io_obj\", line 107, in execute
    ╬ö╬ö×¢¢ÕàÑ(self, context,self.filepath,self.bpö¿Õ╣│µ╗æ╗ä,self.bpÕ»╝ÕàѵØÉ×┤¿,self.bpÕêå×úéë®,self.bpYasZ,self.fpSize);
  File "C:\Users\filibis\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\IMDJS_io_obj\", line 40, in ╬ö╬ö×¢¢ÕàÑ
OSError: exception: access violation writing 0x0000000000000000

location: <unknown location>:-1

updade to 2.90+(re-updated)
now It can import and export as obj (But only one selected object can be exported at the precent)
IMDJS_io_obj(C++) (501.7 KB)


Nice! But, Windows only? I can see a dll inside. Do you also have a Linux version?

I dont have linux OS,no linux version for now.



filepath: D:\a

I’m not able to import anything. The idea of an anddon is great and would save my life!