
Game Faton - it’s just a consequence of following my immersion in the game Dead Cyborg. Faton probably never be completed, because it is my first probes of the game in the BGE. And who wants to can read these old attempts. Makes no sense, then, there is only this one level that leads nowhere :slight_smile:

Download Only for Linux 32-bit

Year 2014

Looks cool, nice work :wink:

The space ship does not match the level, the bots dont match (style and atmosphere)

that said, its looking nice, maybe pop a wavy chromic texture on set it to the reflection channel, and mix it in at just low enough value to see it,

i love the style and the mist. it reminds me on playing disruptor on my old psx

The atmosphere is very nice. I don’t know what’s going on and on the first few tries to play, the door wouldn’t open.

It didn’t run on my 32bit Linux, so I just used blenderplayer to run the binary file, which worked. It will probably work on windows and os x as well.

I get one error:

Python error compiling script - object 'Camera', controller 'Python1':  File "Laser.py", line 1
    .import bge
SyntaxError: invalid syntax