FBX animation imports without any keyframes

Hello, I’m having trouble importing my motion capture fbx files in Blender 3.2. When I import the animation, there don’t seem to be any keyframes. I see the skeleton show up (there’s no preview mesh or skin on it, it’s coming from Motive/Optitrack), but there aren’t any keyframes to scrub through.
From the tutorials I’m finding online, I think I’m setting the import options correctly.
The fbx files are of varying sizes (MBs) indicating there must be data on them.
Anything that I could be screwing up???

Edit: I’m suspecting now that since I used embedded timecode in Motive, that the first frame must be way off the timeline, the timecode was 07:18:36:00 when it started in the reference video. I’ve got my timeline showing frames and seconds now in Blender, but I can’t create a timeline long enough to get to that area. I’ve tried setting the endpoint very high, but it caps out at 1048574 (which I believe is still in frames not TC)
Any help much appreciated thank you!

I’m not sure but it sounds like from what I’ve seen that you need to be in the action editor, to “apply” the actions to the character.


Animations (FBX AnimStacks, Blender actions) are not linked to their object, because there is no real way to know which stack to use as ‘active’ action for a given object, mesh or bone. This may be enhanced to be smarter in the future, but it’s not really considered urgent, so for now you’ll have to link actions to objects manually.

Hi! I’m encountering the same issue as you where my motion capture data isn’t showing up and I’m unable to expand the timeline past the 1048574 frames. Did you happen to discover a workaround? Thank you!