Hello, I’m having trouble importing my motion capture fbx files in Blender 3.2. When I import the animation, there don’t seem to be any keyframes. I see the skeleton show up (there’s no preview mesh or skin on it, it’s coming from Motive/Optitrack), but there aren’t any keyframes to scrub through.
From the tutorials I’m finding online, I think I’m setting the import options correctly.
The fbx files are of varying sizes (MBs) indicating there must be data on them.
Anything that I could be screwing up???
Edit: I’m suspecting now that since I used embedded timecode in Motive, that the first frame must be way off the timeline, the timecode was 07:18:36:00 when it started in the reference video. I’ve got my timeline showing frames and seconds now in Blender, but I can’t create a timeline long enough to get to that area. I’ve tried setting the endpoint very high, but it caps out at 1048574 (which I believe is still in frames not TC)
Any help much appreciated thank you!