Feedback / Development: Filmic, Baby Step to a V2?

Very interesting. Comparing AgX and TCAMv2 here, I’m not quite sure what to think of the blue stripe to the left: Is that supposed to be “actually blue”? Because in AgX Punchy it looks kinda purple.
That being said, the comparison also reveals that colors look far smoother in AgX. I perceive a ring of sorts in TCAMv2 where it clearly starts oversaturating whereas AgX looks perfectly smooth in those regions.
It’s also interesting to see that they have different tradeoffs with contrast. Like, while yes, the blues in AgX look less saturated and, correspondingly, the regions relying on fine differences in blue have slightly lower contrast, greens actually seem boosted over TCAMv2. (Check out Ellie’s face) Imo that’s roughly a wash.

But the presence of oversaturation artifacts in TCAMv2 makes it quite clear that AgX is superior here.
And of course both of them are vastly superior to any of the other transforms. Like, it isn’t even remotely close.

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