Feedback on Topology of Thompson M1A1

Hey everyone. I’m brand new to this forum and I’m fairly new to 3D. I’ve played around with it in the past, but nothing serious, and I doubt any of it was correct. Over the past 2 weeks I’ve been reading and watching Blender tutorials and I am trying to grasp the concept of topology. As far as I can tell, it’s all about isolating details from the rest of your model.

So I thought I’d just jump in and try something. I decided (I don’t know why, haha) I’d try to make a 3D Thompson M1A1. Here is a picture of the model:

last 2:


Also if anyone would want to download the .blend file and that a look, that’d be lovely! The link for the file is right here:

Thank you guys for any help, I really appreciate it :slight_smile: