Feline egg — cartoony 3D artwork


Feline egg — cartoony 3D artwork (concept: Marija Tiurina) :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s cute :slight_smile: The ears are a nice touch, and I love the crackle of the egg! Where is the top of the egg? I feel like if it cracked, the top should be in pieces nearby?


Thanks! Appreciated.

I’ve considered adding some loose shell fragments, but they’re not in the concept art as well, and I guess they’ve been left out to keep an uncluttered focus on the egg and cat. So in the end I also decided to leave the egg shell fragments out of the picture.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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:ok_hand::smiley::+1: Thanks @bartv!

A great weekend back to you!

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I love the idea of the yolk of an egg being a cute creature. Very original. (Putting ears on the eggshell as well is a great addition.)

I agree that the shot should be as it is – very uncluttered. Attention goes straight to the little cat and stays there as it should. “Shell fragments” can ahd should simply be omitted without any explanation at all. Maybe they rolled-off out of frame, mumble mumble.

This will also make it easier for the manufacturers when this little creature starts winding up in toy-stores everywhere along with cute children’s videos, and we’re all here saying “I remember when …”) :smiley:


Hahaha! Thanks man, appreciated! :+1:

You’re #featured! :+1:

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Wow, thanks a lot @bartv! :+1::+1::tada::balloon::partying_face:

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Cute little concept!

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This seriously made my day. So cute!


Thanks, @polynut and @Phil3, much appreciated!

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Wow! So cute!)

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