Female Assasins Sci-Fi

Hey all,
Well, im getting tired of working on this one, doubt i will do much more with it unless one of you has a really good suggestion. Mainly 'cause the file size has gotten far to fat for this Pent 166!!! hehe :wink:
Well, hope you like it!!! Feel free to post and let me know what you thought. :wink:



Blend on, and blend well!!!

Very cool,

I like the scene :slight_smile:


Very nicely done Bapsis. Love the scene. Women could maybe use a little bit of a texture on their suits, but other than that, it really good.

Keep 'em coming man. Love your stuff.


A bit of an uncommon camera angle
but i like that

reminds me a bit of halflife!
did you base the models on the female assasins from that game?

nice work, you might add a little extra detail to the surrounding scene though, I dunno, vents, pipes, engines, stuff like that

  • Stungun

Great work!
I like the scene. Some spotlights at the wall or something like that would be great, too. :wink:

Thanks for the comments guys, and new viewers, KEEP ‘EM COMMIN’!!! hehe :wink: .

A bit of an uncommon camera angle
but i like that

reminds me a bit of halflife!
did you base the models on the female assasins from that game?

Yeah, i wanted a really uncomon “arty” camera angle, and no they arnt based on females from half life, someone else mentioned that they looked similar but iv never played the game. The char is loosly based on a sketch i did a few years ago of a woman in a script i wrote.
Anyways… :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Yes, very nice. I hope that with a little work i can do something similiar in about… TWO YEARS!! Kidding! :wink: Nice work!!!

Yes, very nice. I hope that with a little work i can do something similiar in about… TWO YEARS!! Kidding! Nice work!!!

lol, i’ve only been Blending for 10 months now, and the only other 3D experience i had before starting with Blender was messing around with PovRay a few years ago for like a month. I bet if you work REALLY REALLY hard you will suprise yourself with what you can do, just be prepared to do tutorials and mess around with the program for like 20 hours a day!!! hehe :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!