Working on a new demo reel, so I can reapply for the Blender Marketplace. This is the first project.
Feet are done. They aren’t pretty, but the topology is all there. Once I finalize the shrinkwrap, They’ll get re-sculpted.
looks pretty good overall. to me the head seems a little cocked forward.
(edit) also, you could probably get away with less edge loops on the toes.
You should really take out about half of the edge loops that you have. Your whole model should be about as dense as the hand that you posted.
Newguy: Actually the dense topology is from not checking the “Optimized” checkbox on the subsurf modifier before I took the screenshot… You can see the actual density on the hand, and in the original post… I went with the subdivided density, though. At 27,000 polys, she’s only a little more than half as dense as this guy:
Modron: Thanks. I’m going to reshape the head a bit before I rig. She’s missing some brainpan, I think…
I unwrapped her in Zbrush, and threw on a quick paintjob:
I had originally unwrapped in Blender, but the face wasn’t dense enough for me.
I’m going to take a break from her for a day or so. Are there any problems with the proportions that I’m overlooking? Are the knees too low? Are the hands too small? Is the head too big? I want to lock all that down before I rig her…
Oh, and Newguy: I still have the pre-subsurf mesh saved. (it needs uvs though) If I get the gig at the marketplace, I’ll make sure to finish the ultra low poly version too.