This is my first head (that wasn’t from a tutorial) Please, I know it needs work. If ya’ll could shine a light on what could make it look better, or give some critiques about this model I would appreciated it.
You’re pretty close. The loops that go around the chin should go over the bridge of the nose, and not go up to the eye sockets. Another trick you can use to get the shape right, it to put a couple of spheres where the eyes go, and then model the eye openings around them. Be sure to look at it from the top and the bottom as you are modeling, too, not just at the front and side.
I this better? I don’t think I can use spheres for eyes I have to stretch so much the features don’t match.
Again, critiques would be helpful.
the contour under the nose looks too sharp, i would try adding another row of faces between the two sides of the nose and maybe extending down through the chin
Here’s an update on my Cartoon Female. Please, if anyone knows a good tutorial on modeling the body, or if you know a better method tell me. (I’m just winging it.)
Note: This is suppose to eventually be Sugar from “Jet Set Radio” (aka Piranha from “Jet Grind Radio”) on the Dreamcast.
I’ve got a work in progress on modeling the headthat you might want to take a look at. It’s for realistic heads, but the same principles apply to cartoon heads, you just use fewer quads.
It’s just step by step images for now, what I’d really like to know is how much writing is actually needed to explain the images. I’d appreciate your input on that. Also any thought on making the images more clear.