Festival of Speed - BGE Racing Game

Hi everyone, here’s a new video


  • car engine, BOV and backfire sounds
  • Remodeled tunnel and added some power lines to the island track

Ah you added a speedometter and lil ships there. they look good!

marvin, do you have gears system implemented? I would like to know how to make a good one!

Thanks guys

You already have what you need to make one using my method. Instead of reading the velocity of the car I attached the script to a bone which has a copy location constraint. When the needle reaches its maximum rotation it sends a message the bone, the influence of the bone decreases, changing the gear. I Will upload a file soon

No! I more mean it like to work with car speed and stuff like that(car breaks while shifting, the more accurae switch, the less speed loss, car can’t drive as fast in gear 1 as in gear 2, automatic switch(in my country it is rare used:D), car engine defects when having too much RPM and other stuff like hat. Have you made them or have you any idea on how to do it?

Hi everyone:D
I’ve been working on the car engine sound system for my game and it’s almost done. I will upload the test file on the Resource page When I’m done:yes:

Here’s a look at what I’ve done so far

Have a nice day:RocknRoll:

File download here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxhrbej__gk

Hi everyone, I’ve been working on the island track and I’m almost done with it:D

Here’s the video


This update:

  • Animated trees
  • retxtured island track

i want to sit on that car to release stress

To prevent injury I recommend using the boats :smiley:

Hi everyone :smiley:

here are some screenshots I took in-game

I fix the dull headlamps :slight_smile:

Custom wheels

I also added some tire smoke

Hey, this is looking really good! Keep at it! :slight_smile:

The road texture could still need more details :D. I won´t stop telling you until you do something about it XD.

Thank you

The road texture could still need more details :D. I won´t stop telling you until you do something about it XD.

LOL!!! Okay;)

Ohh shoot, I forgot the night sky XD

Hi everyone, after watching John Hamilton’s tutorial on make realistic water using nodes I added it to my game:D

Here it is

Credits to John Hamilton

Hi everyone, I’ve been messing around with Nweissberg’s Racing AI file so I can use it in my game. Here’s a video

I’ve got more work to do:yes:

Happy Blending!!:smiley:

Hi everyone, here’s a update on the engine sound for the cars using brand new scripts I made with the help of members in the community. :slight_smile:

Thanks Guys :smiley: