Few more questions

3 actually

1.) If I screw up on an animation, how do I delete previous frames? Couldn’t find how to do that in any tutorials and I haven’t read the BSOD yet.

2.) If I set an object to follow a path, then that animation is mobile right? So I can move that animated object wherever I want?

3.) This one is rather tricky,… I know how to make objects follow a circular path to where they just keep going in circles until the end of the animation. But while they’re revolving, is their a way to scale that path down smaller so as they go in a circle they will gradually move closer to eachother?

Appreciate any help, thanks.

  1. Go into the IPO-window of the object, press [K] then select the vertical yellow line on the keyframe you want to delete and press [delete].

  2. Don’t really get this question, but I think yes. if you move the object, it will be offset to the curve

  3. Not that I know of.

In the NLA editor, select the frame you want with the mouse[right-click], for multiple frames use [shift+right-click] or use the select box. [B] The same applies for the Action editor. For the IPO editor just select the curves you want and press [tab] to open edit mode, select [use previous selection options] the keys you want and delete them.

  1. It depends on how you do it. Explain, please.

  2. It depends on how you’re doing it. Explain, please.

  1. you can move the Path (Parent) but it’ll only ‘move’ in the anim if you Keyframe the Loc of the Object.

  2. Keyframe the Scale of the Path Object.


2.) If I have an object animated to follow a path, can I grab that path and move it to different locations with the animation staying the same?

3.) Example, theres a sword, and an axe, and they’re both following a circular path. They’re gonna keep following that path until they complete that circle. So while they’re following that circular path, is it a possibility to make that circular slowly get smaller so as the objects are following it they will gradually be moving closer to eachother? What I mean is the path doesn’t go from big to small in one second. The path slowly gets smaller.
To add to that, is their a way to keep the objects going in that circle if the length of animation is longer than the path?

OK, yeah I see what your saying. Do you think it would only be possible by keyframing the scale?

No, instead of a Circular Path you could have an open, conical spiral with as many revolutions as you choose to model.


ok cool, thanks