1.) If I screw up on an animation, how do I delete previous frames? Couldn’t find how to do that in any tutorials and I haven’t read the BSOD yet.
2.) If I set an object to follow a path, then that animation is mobile right? So I can move that animated object wherever I want?
3.) This one is rather tricky,… I know how to make objects follow a circular path to where they just keep going in circles until the end of the animation. But while they’re revolving, is their a way to scale that path down smaller so as they go in a circle they will gradually move closer to eachother?
In the NLA editor, select the frame you want with the mouse[right-click], for multiple frames use [shift+right-click] or use the select box. [B] The same applies for the Action editor. For the IPO editor just select the curves you want and press [tab] to open edit mode, select [use previous selection options] the keys you want and delete them.
It depends on how you do it. Explain, please.
It depends on how you’re doing it. Explain, please.
2.) If I have an object animated to follow a path, can I grab that path and move it to different locations with the animation staying the same?
3.) Example, theres a sword, and an axe, and they’re both following a circular path. They’re gonna keep following that path until they complete that circle. So while they’re following that circular path, is it a possibility to make that circular slowly get smaller so as the objects are following it they will gradually be moving closer to eachother? What I mean is the path doesn’t go from big to small in one second. The path slowly gets smaller.
To add to that, is their a way to keep the objects going in that circle if the length of animation is longer than the path?