FFMpeg in Blender 2.43?


does anyone know if there is FFMpeg support in comming Blender 2.43 for Windows?

There was in prior CVS builds but in acual RC 1 I cannot find any.

Thank you very much for your answer.

I was wondering about this myself.I have read somewhere that it would be added in 2.43, but RC 1 says it is not complied yet.

Hope it hasn’t been pulled out.

may i ask why you would need the support for windows? blender windows has support for enough codecs to make ffmpeg uneeded. or is there something you need from it? does it support MP3 tracks in outputted movie files?


Alltaken, exactly. With Windows FFMpeg build I can use all my MP3 audio tracks. Not just wav. And this is great because nearly all items of my medias are MP3.

Thank you very much.

I’d love to see it in Mac since there are no decent freeware apps for OSX that will mux the audio/video into a single file. My only concern is that ffmpegx (an ffmpeg front-end) is next to useless at handling audio content (it’ll even delete it from a file with audio without apparent reason) so I hope Blender ffmpeg does it better.

I agree, it should be in 2.43. So should the explosion+particle patches.

So should about a million other things I could list. But lets face reality and acknowledge the fact that these features simply aren’t ready yet. The coders aren’t superhuman.

It works fine in CVS for importing mpg, mp4, and other formats that give the dreaded “no FFmpeg support” error message, and works for multiplex mpg/mp3.

Maybe not perfect on occasion or for every possibility, but it’s definitely usable.

Also if it was in the official version, that might actually help bug reporting as most people will problably use an official version rather than CVS


I’m not on a mac, so I don’t know, but have you tried this one?

Thanks mzungu. Yep, I’ve had it on my system for a couple of years and have used it ocassionally but the UI is stranger than Blender’s (and not for reasons of efficiency) and the whole thing is quite buggy. From what I understand it was a commercial app that went freeware when development ceased. Unfortunately, I think they gave up on it.

Currently I use iMovie but it imposes severe limitations since it resizes everything on import to PAL/NTSC proportions. While output size and format can be fully customised, it seems the data is rendered from the re-sized import data.

I’d like to see muxing support in Blender but like M@dcow said, it has to be ready. Blender’s too good to screw up with super-buggy features in release versions.