Ffuturezx Traditional Art



Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe.

||Jefferson - 1:45|
||Madison - 1:50|
||Monroe - 1:15|
||Total - 4:50|



The first two presidents, Washing Machine and Addams.
I used the portrait of General Washington rather than President Washington because it just looks better.

||Washington - 2:25|
||Adams - 1:55|
||Total - 4:20|

Next week: Joe Biden

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Biden - 2:30

And finally, Uncle Joe. Unlike all previous presidents, I did not draw him during my eight-month hiatus here on Blenderartists. All old drawings were done long before Biden got the nomination and thus, this is the first time I am drawing him, and I think I did well.

All presidents:

Even though my early drawings (starting from Trump and ending with Nixon) look really bad, I’m going to leave it as it is for posterity, for the purpose of showing how much I improved.
And a special thanks to anyone following this thread.
Now that I’m done, what am I gonna do now? I’m going to continue this thread (forum? portfolio?). I’ll keep posting sketches and stuff here every saturday.


Much like how I drew presidents, I have drawn other political figures, such as these three Libertarians:

Gary Johnson - 1:10
Rand Paul - 1:25
Justin Amash - 0:55
Total - 3:30
(I’ll be honest, I didn’t spend all that much time with these guys, hence the overall quality.)

Three Democrat candidates. As a disclaimer, I chose these three out of random. Not due to some political or ideological reason. I think I messed Tulsi up.
Elizabeth Warren - 1:15
Michael Bloomberg - 1:15
Tulsi Gabbard - 1:40
Total - 4:10

Indiana Jones

Took forty minutes.

Gorillas, but I think there’s one chimpanzee there. I forget, given that this sketch was done last October.

Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan

Took one hour.

Kendrick Lamar

“Wicked or weakness, you gotta see this! Way!”
Took an hour and ten minutes

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I decided to remake Nixon, Ford, and Carter.
Here is the original (as seen above):

Here is the remake:

||Nixon - 1:15|
||Ford - 1:25|
||Carter - 0:45|
||Total - 3:25|

Like with Nixon, Ford, and Carter, I also remade Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.



My new favorite.
Reagan - 1:30
HW Bush - 0:55
Clinton - 0:45
Total - 3:10

(Yes, Clinton still had sexual relations with that woman.)

Bush sketch

Based on this image:

Took one hour and twenty-five minutes.
Now I technically did remake my drawing of Bush, Obama, and Trump, but I don’t like how it came out. I will remake it, but it won’t be for a while.

What you are looking at is six talking heads from Fallout 1 drawn three separate times. The sketch on top is the first time I drew them. The sketch in the center is the second and the bottom is the last (most recent).
Length of time for the most recent (in minutes):
||Decker - 0:30|
||Aradesh - 0:25|
||Harry - 0:30|
||Butch - 0:25|
||Cabbot - 0:30|
||Killian - 0:30|
||Total - 2:50|

(The next set of talking heads will be released next week.)

||Jain - 0:30|
||Tandi - 0:25|
||Set - 0:25|
||Jacoren - 0:20|
||Vree - 0:25|
||Harold - 0:20|
||Total - 2:25|

||Laura - 0:25|
||Loxley - 0:25|
||Gizmo - 0:20|
||Rhombus - 0:30|
||Nicole - 0:30|
||John Maxon - 0:30|
||Total - 2:40|

I consider this my last set of sketches for Fallout 1 Talking Heads. Reason being that the talking heads for Morpheus, Master, and Lieutenant are too difficult to draw.

A sketch of Sitting Bull. Took one hour.

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This is the first time I’ve drawn scooters.

||Top left - 0:40|
||Bottom left - 0:30|
||Top Right - 1:20|
||Total - 2:30|

Although I do have space to draw another scooter, I just don’t feel the need to draw one more. The one on the top right is big enough as it is.

Sketches of George Bush

||Top left - 0:25|
||Bottom left - 0:40|
||Top row, center - 0:25|
||Bottom row, center - 0:55 (easily the trickiest)|
||Top right - 0:25|
||Bottom right - 0:15 (I was running out of space and didn’t really care how this one came out.)|
||Total - 3:05|

Top left - https://images.axios.com/Pr-mFQchHvuzf8ne5FAyeN-1sVU=/304x75:2933x1555/1920x1080/2020/06/02/1591130245492.jpg
Bottom left - https://cdn.britannica.com/78/73178-050-00309E51/George-W-Bush.jpg
Top row, center - https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/GettyImages-83569147.jpg
Bottom row, center - https://arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-gmg.s3.amazonaws.com/public/RQST6DQ6IRCZFL5IS3XEAW7CKY.JPG
Top right - https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/2a3b9321f3560afee7b96aeeba038b51552159c4/0_55_3000_1801/master/3000.jpg?width=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=3383fa2fe6ab4018aaf489f60900fd4a
Bottom right - https://i.insider.com/607ed1de44f4540019207a64?width=1136&format=jpeg

Fun fact: I could never beat Code Veronica. It was too hard for me. As for this sketch, I think it’s one of my best. It took two hours and forty-five minutes.

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Dave Nordahl
Previously known as warcorpse666. Currently known as Lord of Patriarchy.
Fifty-five minutes.