FFVII : AC Buster Sword (6pc)

I made a model of the orginal Buster Sword and decided to take a stab at the complex remake version… It’s hard finding good references… but this is what I have so far. I’m still a noob in training but I think i’m getting better. :yes:


Here’s an update… I’m going to be working on the textures now. And some minor details. I also uploaded a wire shot


That’s pretty cool. I’ve never played FFVII, though… only VIII and X.
Can’t wait to see it textured.

Nice. Very clean wireframes too :slight_smile:

Nice, wires look a little heavier than they need to be though. There’s a lot of loops you can do without that won’t make one bit of difference to the model.

Here’s a render of the sword put together… (obviously) After a few minor adjustments, everything fit right into place. :cool:

The extra lines are probably because I used sub-surfs. So the cage looks like that in wire-view


why would you use subsurf on a model that’s so mechanical in nature and lends itself perfectly for that style of modelling? If this one has a subsurf modifier, then you certainly set your creases well, but this model does NOT need one, the renders don’t really show it either. You have NO need for subsurf in this kind of model. It’s just a waste of polys.

Look at the model again…
Every handle… would look like a Cylinder if I wouldn’t have been able to adjust the crease…
Also, the blade with the curve at the bottom of the handle… That would also be square-ish without the ability to adjust the creases. And look at all the holes… I tried to NOT use subsurfs and the holes were also cylinder shaped.
This model came out well even though I did use Subsurfs, so don’t bash me for subsurfing it.

isnt it supposed to look “square” -ish?

oooh look, an in-joke :smiley:

lol, yeah. I guess it should :stuck_out_tongue:

And only a FF fan would know… SQUARE = company that started the series, now known as Square Enix

Right. How did you get the straight edges with subsurf?? Now I am impressed :smiley: I plan to do some sword modelling soon, and your right about the holes in the blades, and the handles…

Just select a group of verticies… and press SHIFT + E to adjust the crease.

If anyone can find somepictures of the actual sword i’d appreciate it. I can’t find a good close-up. I need to work on the textures and details but can’t find any references.

I touched up on the blades and the handle… (not sure if you guys can tell)


well a very quick search on google gave me a whole load of images i dunno why you are having trouble.
By nick_meister

and i actually found out this is the wrong sword you are looking for, the one you are making is actually a different sword

having never played ff i dont really know but judging by that site its seems so

“The Sword that he detaches into smaller ones is the 1st Tsurugi.”
“The Buster Sword in AC is the one he plants into the ground outside Midgar.”

so searching for 1st tsurugi gave me these snapshots

among others that are already made by someone else as in fan art hope this helps ^^