After I made an outline around the object I was tracing. I choose edges and clicked F to create faces. After it was all finished I created an FGON to make it smooth and only one face.
As you can see below it looks great.
However when I extrude it into 3D it creates a horrible bumpy texture to it. How can I fix this?
Unfortunately, fgons don’t really do anything to the actual geometry. Anyway you have far too many points there to be able to keep track of them once you go 3d. I suggest you either use subsurf or you simply make it a lowpoly.
The polycount is not the biggest problem here. To make this look good when extruded, you will have to create the faces manually to get them exactly the way you want.
I suggest you start by extruding inwards to make an edge loop around the whole model. This will come in handy if you decide to use subsurf. Then you need to fill the whole area with quads (well you don’t have to use quads, but it will make life easier for you later on). Try to get the quads as close to squares as reasonably possible.
The reason why the model doesn’t look good when extruded is that you are trying to use smooth shading over 90° angles. If you set the top faces to flat/solid shading you shouldn’t have this problem. Another way is, as I said earlier, to use autosmooth or an edge split modifier, which will cause the sharp angles not to be smoothed in the render.