I created this scene based off of a Blender Guru tutorial, and this was my result.
Let me know what you think?
Rendered in Blender Cycles, 150 samples, on two Intel Xeon quad core CPU’s at a resolution of 1920x1200. 31 hour render time.
I created this scene based off of a Blender Guru tutorial, and this was my result.
Let me know what you think?
Rendered in Blender Cycles, 150 samples, on two Intel Xeon quad core CPU’s at a resolution of 1920x1200. 31 hour render time.
This took 31 hours to render on a quad core computer?!
I fear to guess what it would take on my crappy computer.
It took 31 hours using 12 of it’s 16 cores.
It is an old MacPro (3.1) form early 2008. Only has 4gbs of 600MhZ DDR 2 RAM, and an 8800GT which will not work for CUDA processing
This looks pretty neat, though I think it may be a bit too blurry. What is the f/Stop on your camera? You can use an empty object as a focal point (maybe on one of the strand ends in the bottom left corner?). Others than that, I think you’ve balanced it out pretty well.
Wow, your dedicated to render one image for 31 hours. Even on my old single core, 500mb ram computer, that would have just taken a few hours at 150 samples. It has been a long time since I used that thing though, so I could be wrong.
You might want to look into raypump. It’s completely free for a watermarked render at I believe 720p, several hundred samples. It renders my TARDIS interior in about five minutes, and gets rid of most of the noise.
btw, I like your render, but you should probably try to make some stuff on your own. If you post what you do here, in the WIP section or the focused crituqe section, we’ll all be happy to help you.
Sweenist, I am not sure what exactly I used as an f stop right off hand, I think around either a 2.8 for a f/4. I used an empty object and set the focus to that, it was kind of difficult to set up, just because it seemed to really bog down the system a lot, I am not sure as to why.
TARDIS Maker, I didn’t have a choice in the matter! Haha, I was in cycles, set the resolution to 1920x1200 at 150 samples (Total samples was something like 2500), and let it run over a weekend, and that was the render time when I came back, 31 hours and some minutes.
I agree, I want to start doing more on my own, but it has been such a long time since I used Blender, and even back when I did play with it I wasn’t very good at it, I still am not, I like the tutorials mostly because I like to learn how to use the different tools and when they are important to use, and when I can do it in an easier fashion that what I would originally do. There is one project that I am currently working on without a tutorial, that I am basing off of one that was featured here, called Bewitching Darkness. I really liked the idea behind it and I was going to create my own rendition of the scene, but I haven’t worked on it for a while, I encountered a lot of issues trying to use the UV map, plus with my grass in the scene too, since that uses three particle systems, really, really, really bogs down a system. Haha.
But I really appreciate the comments!
I am also going to try to learn to rig characters, and am going to be working with Nita on attempting to rig, and eventually animate his “Yummy Mummy” scene. I haven’t tried rigging yet, and it sounds like it could be really fun once I learn how to do it!
OK, It sounds like you’ve got some good stuff coming. I really like Bewitching Darkness. I was following the WIP thread before it was named. I was actually surprised how soon he released it as a finished piece. In his WIP thread he seemed to think it wasn’t complete at the time.
It will be interesting seeing the “yummy mummy” rigged. It’s such an interesting project.
Yeah, I particularly liked that scene, but since the house model I am using isn’t perfectly square (the roof is slopped, and higher at one end than the other) and UV mapping it and getting the UV to map correctly isn’t working out too well, and with the mummy scene, I am a little curious to see how it will work out, I have watched a couple quick videos on rigging, but I am not sure if it will work the same as it is made out of bezier curves, and I am not sure if that is going to be the same as any other object. We’ll just have to wait and find out.
You will probably need to convert the curves to a mesh. ALT (I think, if not, try CTRL and SHIFT) C. You will probably still have problems with geometry not being where you need it though.
If you need help with the UV unwrapping, I would be willing to help. If you want to start a thread about it, or send me a PM I’ll try to help out.