figure build up (mild nudity warning)

Ehm… lighting the wrong side… there’s a line going out from your lamp, suggesting it’s either a sun or hemi light.

It’s aimed left in the pic where it’s visible, or away from the body… try rotating it. The line indicates the direction in which the light projects.

Lol I hadn’t seen the second page…

About the breasts… find some points on the lower outside and pull those down a bit. nipples are a bit high too.

Nice work…now you have to work on the details and tweak them :slight_smile:

I thought I would do a quick unified render, but the subsurf disappears when I collect meshes.

Is there a good tutorial on basic subsurf rules?

Aside from the unified render question, I’m moving along to another project, and will revisit building a female soon. I’m going to do a little reading on Rich Suchy’s site. He did the pencils that I based this mesh from.

If anyone wants, here a blend file of the basic female prior to joining.

I’m still having some problems when doing a GI render. This is my blend file:

After making the figure into a mesh, re-calced normals, set up an icospere, camera — I get crap.

Is there a good tutorial on using subsurf and GI?

Unfied Render is nothing to do with Radiosity or GI, so forget that !! :smiley:

your mesh has way to much faces for a proper and clean solution!