File format not supported in file

I was working with the animation but my power supply went off and after a while when i tried opening the animation file it is not opening followed by the message “file format is not supported in file” I am not able to open my blender file. Any help will mean a lot .
Screenshot 2024-03-30 125401

Sounds like the file got corrupted due to the sudden loss of power.

Chances are only option now is getting older version from backup files.

That means either from scheduled/manual backups (assuming you do that) or hopefully the .blend1 backup file that Blender automatically makes every time you save is still OK. Just rename it to ‘something-else.blend’ and see if it opens.

You can always try to append the file’s content into a new clean file.

Open a new clean scene, delete all objects, then go to the menu File > Append, navigate to the faulty file, then in the scene folder, and select the scene.
If it works, you should be able to select the appended scene in the scenes drop down menu.
Otherwise, you might still be able to append some objects. Try to do the same procedure, but go to the Objects folder instead of scene and try to select all objects. Then, if it doesn’t work, only half of the objects, and so on until you are able to append as many non-faulty objects possible.

If none of this works, then indeed you need to rely on backups.

Thanks for the guidence but it didn’t work!

Thanks for the list of guidance but none of it worked for me . I had to recreate the entire things from scratch and now I save the project as incremental save. I dont know but I guesss smth wrong with my equipments.