Hi all,
pretty new to Blender and was wondering if there was a quick and easy way to fill a hollow object to make it whole?
Thanks in advance,
Can you show an example an attach your blend file to demonstrate exactly what you have and what you want to achieve.
Your question is not specific enough and can be taken as meaning a multitude of different things.
Thanks Richard, here’s an image. It is of the back of my head. The part that I have roughly coloured red would be the inside. Kind of like an egg shell that I would like to be made solid. I hope this makes it clearer.
Select all the vertices around the edge and Alt+F to fill. Depending on the complexity of the edge shape you may need to do a bit of manual cleanup. Note you will get lots of triangles which can cause problems if you want to do further mesh editing.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for that, but will that actually fill the object, or just close it off?. I realise that this would not normally matter, but I want to have this piece printed and was told it would print better if it is solid.
For a hollow model for printing you will also need an opening http://www.shapeways.com/tutorials/creating-hollow-objects
To make thickness to your mesh you can also use a soldify modifier
Thanks Richard