Filling in Curves?

Lets say you create something with a curve, how do you fill in the top and bottom portions after youve extruded it? just use a couple of planes and use them as the filler, or is there a way to do it with the curves themselves?

did you convert the curve to mesh?If so you select four vertices and press F

Just to check … do you mean the “Back” and “Front” buttons here?

If not I’m with trak wrecka … converting it to mesh would be the only solution is see.

If we both miss-understood you could you please provide a screenshot of the problem?


i only see convert to poly, beizer and nurb, do i convert to one of these?

Poly, or polygons, is another way of saying mesh.

But Poly in curves is a Polyline:

You’re probably talking about Surfaces, use Endpoint U & V.


I’m having the same problem. Front and Back buttons don’t apply to a curve that was extruded using a curve. (The extruded curve is a bevel object for another curve). Converting the curve to a poly turns the handle points into vertexes, which totally ruins the shape.
I think we’re looking at a missing feature here. I’m using curve extrusion to make a wing and yeah, it would be nice if the ends were faces instead of open.

I don’t quite understand what either of you have asked so bear with me. If you use a Bezier or NURBS Curve (not a Surface NURBS) then the only way to extrude is to set the Extrude value in the Curve and Surface tab greater than zero. In that case both ends will be closed so obviously that’s not what you’re talking about.

If you extrude a Curve along a Path, then use another Curve as “TaperOB” (just below BevOB) to Taper the extrusion closed at the two ends. That sounds like what you want mjl.

If you use Surface NURBS you can Extrude using E hotkey and then extrude an extra loop on each end and scale those to zero to close the ends.


I think what they mean is how to convert curves into mesh . Alt-C . You can convert any type of curve or surface into mesh . Curves will be converted into a series of vertices . Though filling in faces with curves like that will leave you with ugly geometry . Very ugly .
Better to learn how to use NURBS surfaces and convert those into mesh . With high enough resolution you can get very good and neat geometry .

what i meant was filling in the faces of the curves, but i found out how to do that with the ever useful f key :).