Filmic versus AgX in fire

In you opinion, should I stick with Filmic for this render (more orange fire) or do AgX and color grade the fire back to orange?
I’m coloring the fire with a blackbody node setup

I like your Filmic a lot more- the AgX washes the front of the car out and makes it look very, very, pink

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yeah… I wonder how much [the AgX version] could be improved by color grading, but it’s something I haven’t really done yet so idk how I’d go about it

I have started using Davinci Resolve for color grading, and it’s pretty sweet.

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I think you should use neither and give ACES a try.
If there is something that ACES excels in than it is fire and explosions.
But words are empty, judge for yourself:

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Ooh looks interesting, I’ll give it a try!

Gonna do some side by side comparisons here so I can dial in colors

AgX medium high contrast/Filmic

I like filmic in this context, it makes image much colorful-corrected and saturated

Render as EXR which effectively bypasses all color transforms, bring it into Resolve and color grade to your taste like the grown ups do. :wink:


Well that’s intimidating XD
Maybe I’ll try it someday, but for now I’ll stick to Filmic and AgX