Finally Completed That Doughnut Tutorial

My first exposure to Blender was back in 2005 or 2006 after learning Maya and Max at school then using C4D professionally. It was through a C4D forum topic about piracy. All things discussed in that thread, and the admin didn’t close the discussion until someone mentioned Blender. In 2007 life changes took me away from 3D. 2016 life changes allowed me a brief return, coincidentally about the same time as the first Blender Guru Donut Tutorial was made available. The tutorial wasn’t completed at the time, only followed enough to get me back up to speed in Blender, similar to what is actually mentioned in some of the videos. Though again life changes took me almost immediately back away from 3D.

However, yet again, life changes have returned me. Hopefully to stay. Though it has been quite apparent that my skills lack, and with efforts renewed to immerse myself in tutorials aplenty, in attempts to get to an acceptable quality of visual art.

My previous post did not include the video for some reason.