I have a monster of a node tree. Highly modular. It would be nice to find instances of any given node within its users, so I can standardize old systems. It will be very tedious to have to search for them manually. Is there a way?
You can use the search function for any particular Node Name…
Add it to your quick Favorites to get instant access to it…
Or use the Hot Keys Ctrl + F
Thank you. I failed to phrase my question right. The parent node group has lots of nested node groups inside. Several layers deep. There are over 100 distinct node groups. Many of them are quite large. That’s potentially 10,000 ctrl+f. In reality, it’d probably be only a fraction of that, maybe 1000. Plus all the other actions between. Left click, tab etc. I am preparing myself mentally for the grind.
I don’t suppose there is something similar to ctrl+f that searches across all node groups, within a .blend? It would be nice to just click “next” and be shown the next instance of a given node group.
If you’re using nodegroups within nodegroups, you could write an operator that recursively look into all used nodegroups…
But, what would you want your result to be if the same node is used in 100 different instances of its parent nodegroup? Or even worse, multiple nodes with same name, belonging to different nodegroups?
I think I understand the distinction you’re making. I’ll tighten up my language here.
Indeed, Item is only being “used” 3 times, but there are in fact 6 distinct instances of Item within Master Node. For my purposes, I’d expect to be presented with Item only 3 times, not 6, via the first instance of Parent Item found within Master Node. That’s to say, for my purposes, which Parent Item displayed is unimportant.
But if this were an actual Blender feature it should probably be an option whether or not to list through each item within every Parent User. That could be very useful for debugging.
I believe you need to create your own operator in python for doing this.