Fine tuning viewport navigation


Is there a way to fine tune viewport rotation and navigation similar to the way holding Shift fine tunes Scaling?

AFAIK there is only rotate via keyboard and Preferences → Navigation → Orbit & Pan and then setting the Rotation Angle… even 0.1 is possible…

maybe one can write a script that changes the orbit sensitivity value with a shortcut

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Yeah, I don’t really want to adjust the sensitivity settings. Just wanted to slow them down occasionally. Thanks though.

i got your proint
i have no experience in blender scripting… but i meant a script/addon that when pressing a key it lowers that value=>more precise
and when the key released it restore the value. =>back to normal

I was replying to the previous response before. Your solution was what I hoped existed somewhere.

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if you only need this for orbit maybe this will help:
thanks to you, first time i code in blender, and my first add-on attempt ever lol (2.5 KB)

install this as an add-on and if you press P (for precise) it will divide the orbit sensitivity by the value in the add-on preference 16 by default and when you release P it will restore the default one

P.S: you have to press P before you click to orbit.
and if you change the shortcut in keymaps i’m not sure why i can detect the release but not the press but maybe i will fix those two known issues


Oh wow, thank you so much! I’ll do this tonight.

P.S., Works great! thx again

PPS, If you’re interested in further refining this add on, it prevents my Space Mouse from working when it’s turned on.

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