It so happened that I was looking for a good texture of random fingerprints, that might be used as a normal map for something like clay, or perhaps some other map for a window or mirror that has been touched with greasy fingerprints. Couldn’t find one, so I made one. Painstakingly gathering about 17 or so fingerprint images from the internet, I put them together, used the Resynthesizer for GIMP to make a seamless texture, and then layered it on top of itself with varying offsets, rotations, and opacities, and this is it. Attached are tests (1) as a normal map for a clay like material, and (2) As a specularity and reflectivity map in attempt to simulate fingerprints on metal. Enjoy.
Cool! Thanks for posting this.
Hey, nice job. That’d be a good dirt map.
Dude’ that is awesome, thanks for supplying the community with this great texture
I realy like the clay one, but the mettalic one looks a bit bright, dont you think with all those finger greasy things it would look i little less reflective and dull? Coz there you cant see the prints nicly.
But all the same very very nice textures
The metal one isn’t supposed to be exactly dull, more like something that’s been polished and then handled a bit.