From now on, you will see this post as it was before the project was completed.
Hello, everyone. For a while now, I have been working on a project which is solely about Blender’s particle simulations (some of them might involve smoke simulations). I am doing this project as an attempt to know what the Blender particle physics are really capable of. It is important to notice, that even though 100% of the simulations are done in Blender, there is some compositing happening (like color-correction, adding glow, etc) in order to make the final results look better.
If this project ends successfully, I will post it as a video on my YouTube channel and as a thread in the “Finished Projects” forum or the “Blender Tests” forum. (Details about the video are present in the bottom section of this post.)
If the demand is large enough, I will make tutorials on how to create similar particle effects.
I am currently in the making of this project, and have rendered about 15 different particle simulations so far. Here are three still images of some of the simulations:
Details about the video (Some of these details might change):
Resolution/Quality: 4k, 3840 x 2160
Length: almost 4 minutes
Frame rate: 60 fps
Maximum length of each simulation: 10 seconds
Minimum length of each simulation: 1.5 seconds
Release date is not yet defined
Feel free to post anything I can use as a source of inspiration. Also, feel free to post your own simulations.
Thank you for all your replies! Here I have two spheres emitting smoke (which is not visible in the render). Both spheres share a particle system which is controlled mainly by a “Smoke Flow” force field.
By the way, I have a question. When this project is done, would it be a better idea for me to post the final result in “Finished Projects” or “Blender Tests”?
I’d put it in finished projects, as a new thread with a collection of all the renders and an explanation of what each one is, and the process used to create them
The last image you posted is like particle graffiti! really cool
Have you tried spelling out any text with particles yet? the last couple of test would look great if they where in the form of a word, maybe write your name with them? Would be hard to set up all the force fields to achieve this i know, but you never know, you might be able to do it, you seem to have a good grasp on blenders particle physics
Thank you, Jamie B! Great idea. I am working on different ways to draw outlines with particles. I’m planning on doing it at least once in the video. The particle simulation i’m working on right now involves particles drawing the outlines of my logo. I’m using different methods, such as making the emitter follow a curve or controlling a particle simulation with a “Curve Guide” force field.
I got to this point by using “Curve Guide” force fields to control the particle simulations. I then used these particle simulations as flow sources for a smoke simulation. This smoke simulation was later used to control another particle simulation with the “Smoke Flow” force field.