Finished model of the MCCR 11.

Before I post my images for the car, I need help on how to add an image. I heard I can use HTML to put an image in but I dont understand HTML at all. How do I do this? :expressionless:

(I refer back to a reply to my Kawasaki Ninja post)

L13 said “Make a html page in the same place as the image.
In the html put IMAGENAME.jpg
Then link to the html from the forum.”

I dont understand this. :frowning:

Say your image is called, “final.jpg”

Make a text file and put this in it

<head><title> Final </title></head>

Save the text file as “final.html” then upload it to your website in the same folder as “final.jpg”.

Then on elysiun post a link to “

Hope this helps post any more questions on here.

Ah screw it. My site doesnt seem to work with that HTML idea (uploading HTML I mean)

here is the link to my website, the page that I created for the car, and the OFFICIAL :smiley: image is on the bottom.
grrrrr I hate

this should work. :-?

Modelling: Needs more detail (such as windshield wipers), maybe some subsurf?

Texturing and Lighting: Definitely needs improvement, especially the body material. The light is focused to much on the back of the car.

Composition: Turn the car towards the camera just a bit (maybe 5-10 degrees) and move the camera up a bit.

Rendering: Three letters: OSA.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for those tips. As for subsurf…I made the entire model out of meshes and I didnt think I could use subsurfs for any part of it. I’d like to use SUbsurfs but as I said in the work in progress forum, when I enable them, they crumple up the car. It sucks.
As for the lighting, It looks like theres not lighting in thefront because I used a blend texture from black to purple. (The black covers up the angular edges :expressionless: )
I will add windshield wipers and other details soon…but I cant change the body and make it smoother because it just wont have it. It crumples up and makes it even worse. :<