First Annual Santa slaying contest. (santas ultimate sleigh)

Hey guys, this year we kick off the holiday season with a little competition to get Santa a new Sleigh.

his old one is getting a bit busted up, and Santa desirves a bit of a christmas present himself for once.


its your job to design and model the meanest, phatest, cutest, funniest, or generally the most awsome sleigh in the world.

does santa ride around in a tricked out pimp mobile throwing presents out his windows?
does he leave a few skid marks on the top of rainclouds in his phat riced-up super sleigh.
perhaps hes going to cause some terror for the naughty kids this year, with his armoured military action-man edition honda civic sleigh.

the brief is open, just make sure his sleigh is awsome.

you will be judged on

Personality, Does your sleigh/image have personality? is it inspiring?
Modeling, was your idea modeled in an appropriate way
Lighting/Texturing, you gotta polish a scene for it to be loved.
want factor, your voters are gonna vote on which one they want the most icon_wink.gif
Scene- the scene is important for people voting, but remember the sleigh is the focus, make it the priority.

there will be two sections.

Still image - this will consist of a set of 1-4 still images (can be any size render, but your renders displayed in the thread will each be 640x480 pixels in size)

Animation - if you want to animate your sleigh doing somthign which sets it apart from the rest, then do a approx 10 second animation to show it off. does your sleigh transform to fit into a pocket? does it have hydrolics? or does it have awsome capabilities of reaching into chimneys and putting presents into the socks for you? as part of entering the animation section, you can feel free to also enter the still section. the animation should be 640x480 and compressed using a codec such as divx or xvid to a reasonable size. (I can provide hosting for animations)

have fun everyone, this contest is all about fun.

there are currently no official prizes for this year. however for the still image competition i am wishing to make a few christmas postcards out of the winners entries. if i do this i will send the winners a pack of a few each to send out to there mates next year)

if someone wants to donate a prize then please contact me. otherwise its all for the pride of have the most ultimate sleigh.


Groovy baby yea

let the santa sleighing begin!!!good to see ur getting it out there :smiley:

Awww, i read it as “slaying” (as in killing) :frowning:


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