I have an interest to explore the world of 3D Architecture and after viewing a tutorial on Blender Guru (Andrew Price), I decided to upload my first attempt of a scene that I wanted to re-create seeing that Andrew suggested one starts with reference images and then build on your skills from there. He also recommended uploading each project to get valuable feedback on things that could have been done differently and better. So here it is, my first ever re-created scene from a reference photo. I’m not exactly on the spot, but close enough with some minor differences.
In Photoshop I only included the snowy background and also applied some glows to the windows and a subtle beam of light coming from the top window. Any constructive criticism and advice will be appreciated so I can try and include the tips in my next project.
It’s a pretty good start. But to be fair, there’s not much in the scene yet. I’d say, don’t be lazy, include the other background in Blender rightaway. You may want to animate it later.
The lamps are too bright, turn on a lamp in your room lit by daylight. Also try to use fresnel for the floor (wood materials have a fresnel value between 3 and 6).
if you want to recreate architecture scenes it’s best to start with something that you yourself take a picture and see with your eyes or can allways come back to and see what is what.
It’s better this way because you have a way to analize and cerify the origin of the material you want to recreate. Just like still life. It’s easier to have in front of you what you want to simulate.
Model to scale. Architecture is best done keeping true to real world light/materials/textures/mood.
Render in 32 bit high dinamic range so you have plenty of color information to play with in post.
Go into a real room that’s similar to this one, take a few photos of it, and then: Look at theLight.
Not the “subject” of the picture … not what the picture is “of” or is “about.” No… the Light, itself.
Critically and closely examine the entire scene, inch by inch. Where’s the light coming-from that’s shining on this-or-that, what color is it, what’s it doing?
Also: actually go to a real place and take a real photo. Assume that any and every photo that you find “on the web” has probably been manipulated, perhaps quite extensively. (Of course, you’re free to manipulate your own images, if it saves time and if it suits the occasion or the client. Just be sure that you’re not comparing an un-manipulated render output to a manipulated reference.)