First blender scene... need a few tips

Hi folks,

So, I recently got curious about blender and decided to give it a shot. I haven’t done any 3d scenes in more than 10 years, so I decided to begin with something simple to learn all the tools.
These are simply test renders for now, as I still need to add some DOF, some color grading and other adjustments in post.

Textures are the free files from cgtextures and poliigon.

I used some of these sites as inspiration, but not really at that level of niceness yet :slight_smile:

I could use some tips on avoiding the light ray noise (not the fireflies) that i can’t get rid of no matter what i do.
Making the light bigger helps, but takes away some of the details in the scene. I have also set the sampling up to 2000 and all bounces to 128 with no big difference. Caustics is also off.

Also, all critique is welcome. Weird textures, scale being off, anything, let me know.

Render stats:
512 samples
Full GI
no caustics

1 world/exterior sphere as light emitter
1 sun size 20cm

render times are around 2 hours per render which i think is way too much for these, with this kind of result. I tried most of these tips without any huge difference.

What am i doing wrong?

Thanks in advance…


That’s looking really nice !
I find the lighting is a little too unsaturated and dark though. Add a bit more brightness to the scene.
All the textures are really well - done. I love the detail. The reflections are perfect.
I suggest adding a little more objects to the scene. Seems a little empty.
For the render times , could be a lot of reasons. Could be computer.
Love the couch , looks a lot like the one I’ve been trying to make. Seems like that couch has been popular lately. What did you do to texture the couch ? I’ve been struggling with that part.

Are you using the denoiser?

You’ll get less noise and you can turn down the samples to improve render times.