First Car, old mini

It isnt quite my first car, as I can’t actually remember much about it; it was a mini, it might have been green - otherwise not sure; I liked it enough to get another mini as my second car; that was blue. Uncomfortable for me due to hight, but it was soooo much fun to drive.

Layed some vertex loops to try and determine where the important parts were; think I actually messed this bit up.


Currently trying some test renders in cycles; will post and hopefully get some feedback on them when I do; hoping for some on this early part too.

Added rear lights, number plate etc; quick internal render to check for artifacts, skewed normals etc.


Have the wheels, exhaust pipe and the visible axle parts to do. Also the rear-view mirror and steering wheel.

Great way to cure writers block.
Looking good so far.

Cheers, and yeh it is. :slight_smile:

Added the parts that might possible show up in certain shot angles. Not acurate, more to suggest that there is something there.


First test render once mats were added.

Some faces to delete in the windows due to extruding parts when mirror not turned on; otherwise I’m fairly happy with how things are going.

Hey! Great work!
The white render reminded me of a kindergarten teacher’s car. She had an old mini (back then it was already an old car, lol), at least it looks like one.

Hah, yeh thanks.

Final render, with some composting - first time I’ve done any.

Pleased with the final results but calling it quits, missing interia models but wish to get over the errors and start a new car from what I’ve learned.


You still did an excellent job!!! Especially on the chrome and the compositing isn’t bad either. Not liking the gradient, but that doesn’t matter, since it’s not the focus. Good job on your first car!

Wasn’t sure what to do and didn’t want to leave it without a background, but wanted something that wouldn’t detract; gradients, at least, never really detract from that.

I can see all sorts of problems and errors (every time I look I find new ones /nod), but even so it looks decent and was fun to do. I can understand the fascination of doing cars.

Well, I like it a lot, especially the blue. It reminds me of the blue Mazda likes to use in some of their adds.

It looks low-poly enough to even be used in a game (not racing, more like a one-level type deal), but I really can’t say for sure.

I’d be happy with it.
If we stare at anything long enough we find errors and problems.
The next will be easier, quicker, better.

Don’t have to stare long. :slight_smile: But true enough.

Hoping for any of those /nod All three would be considered a success.

All joking aside, it’s time to move on and try something new, thanks for your comments.