First cartoon: "Men"

I’ve been playing around with drawing in flash, and I really like it! The results are better than anything I’ve ever drawn on paper.

If you don’t get it, it’s because there is nothing to get; the humor is excessively dry.

so, they’re gay?

Looks great !

If you’re not drawing professionally, you certainly could be :slight_smile:


so, they’re gay?

No! I certainly hope that you’re the only one to interpret it that way.

…Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s far from the humor I was aiming for.

HA! That is absolutely hilarious! I actually burst out laughing when I saw it. Of course they’re not gay, farthest thing from being gay.

That was great.


Well, I got the impression they were gay until I started thinking that can’t be the intended humour.

hehe, funny:)

and noderangers comment made me laugh even more about it.

take out the quotes around men and It might fix the misinterpretations.

I have to agree with Noderanger, the whole thing seems gay…

Lol at those who think its gay. Yer sure, those two guys are the epitome of fagness.

Social comment anyone?

its a great image!!

Funny! :slight_smile: I like how you drew the characters,they look funny and those facial expressions fit in well.

Also,I dont know if you intended it to be like this or not,but the simbol of the man on the door has a wrong perspective.Just something minor and doesnt ruin the picture at all,Im just curious if you intended it to be like this and stuff.

Good work! :slight_smile:

Clever. :smiley:

I have to agree with Noderanger, the whole thing seems gay…

It’s not gay! Damn, some people feel insecure about their own sexuality, but you guys make me feel insecure about the sexuality of my cartoon characters. Good Gravity!

Also,I dont know if you intended it to be like this or not,but the simbol of the man on the door has a wrong perspective.

You know, I kept trying to fix it, and I could never get it to look quite right.