hi there I’ve recently made a low poly character that finally looks good to me. and im wondering if it looks good to you guy’s:RocknRoll: please focus on my topology though I want to know what can I improve on that.
also I like emoticons!:evilgrin::evilgrin::evilgrin::mad::RocknRoll::RocknRoll::mad::evilgrin::evilgrin:
You need three edge loops around your knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle and neck joints. One at the joint, between two others close by.
That hip joint is going to be a real problem: legs come out of the side of the hips, not the bottom. Arrange your torso so it ends in a sort of broad V shape, then bring the legs out of each side of the V.
Check your proportions against this
Particularly the lower leg. It looks like your mesh bows inward and it should bow outward.