This is my first head model. I’ve attached an image of the mesh and a render. I’ve also attached my reference pics.
I need some second opinions. One minute I think it’s fine, relatively speaking (i.e. for someone of my skill level). The next minute I think I should trash it.
looks cool however the ears should be a little straighter(though irl they’re leaning backwards a little, in the render it could be a little less) and the front of the face is… too flat, pull it forwards… babyfat man, babyfat(that’s what it’s called in dutch :P). But great job, way better than me, looking forward to an update.
cool! it looks really good! maybe having hair hanging over his forhead like in the pictures? tilting the top of the ears out some would make it match the pictues a little better but that could also be the position of the camera or something. i’m impressed. i always give up on my face model attempts.
Chalda, that’s a very nice model. The upper cheeks (next to the nose) bulge out a little bit more, and I guess the chin could be a little rounder, but I’ll tell you, tweaking never ends.
If you’re looking for a really accurate likeness, you need to work on getting the reference images lined up. I’ve seen a tutorial on doing that (uses Gimp or Photoshop) but don’t recall where. Google might help. Basically, the scale in both photos has to match, the front view centerline should be vertical and the side view rotated so the eyes, chin, nose all line up with the front view.
At this point though, I think you’ve probably gotten all the utility out of the references you’re going to get. Look at some other photos shot from different angles, move your Blender point of view so your looking at the model from the same angle as the photo, and make adjustments by eye. When you get to the point where your moving a vertex one way to match one photo, and the opposite way to match another, stop. That means you’re done.
I agree about the ears. I think I got thrown off by the side reference pic. The head is tilted slightly and it made it’s way into my model. I’ll try to tork on your other suggestions.
I’ll try to work on the hair. This is the first time I’ve created human hair. So, no promises on replicating the hair in the reference pics.
The reason it looks OK is because I’m stubborn and I worked at it a bunch.
I’d love to try to use some shots from other angles, but these are pics of my son at 8 months old. He’s 13 months now and his face is completely different. I started this project on a whim about a month ago and I only had a good frontal and side pictures of my son from 8 months old.
I’m sure at some point I’ll take a bunch of pics of him and start a new model.
Once again, thanks for the input. It has gotten me excited to work on it some more.
woow… you say its your first? i remember mine never got that far with it… yes i trashed it but eaven more of a reason why i have to say keep working on this, you shall learn alot! good job.
Alright, here’s an update. I’ve straightened out the ears a little bit, fattened up the cheeks and rounded out the head.
Before anyone mentions it…Yes, I am the greatest butt chin modeler of all time. I tried to add a cleft to the chin, but failed. I’ll try to tweak it as time goes on. Either way, I like the idea of people thinking Spartacus has sprung from my loins. Errr…Ummm…Yay.
I’ll try working on the hair when I get a chance.
I’ve attached two slightly different new renders and the mesh (probably don’t need to post the mesh).