This is my first head model. Right now I don’t know where it is going eg. weather it will be human or not I haven’t decided. Any comments or crits are appreciated. Also I would like to know how to have the wireframe overlayed ontop of the shaded mesh if anyone could help then I will post my wire.
Also, just in case someone asks I haven’t abandoned my other wip I just had a thought I went with so comments are still welcome on the other post as well. Here is the link:
UV mapping causes all the vertices to be put into a square and it would take forever to readjust them all to look right. Could someone help me with this because I would like to use this technique when I begin to texture. However if you go to uv face select mode and click render this window you get the attached result.
Well a thought hit me not long ago and I thought I would post this before someone else told me. To get a UV Map of the wireframe it must be unwrapped. Once I thought of that I felt like such a noob for posting but all well. EDIT