Hello everyone! After around a month of learning/practicing in blender, I’ve decided I wanted to make a somewhat
detailed scene, before this I’ve mostly practiced single objects (Apples, bottles, animal models and so on).
Never textured anything, just purely the models so this was a big step for me.
This project is not fully done yet, but after working on it for around 4 days I’m somewhat satisfied with the
results. Lots of work left obviously and any advice will be noted down right away. Btw in total there are 47k verts.
Things I want to change/improve:
Fire needs to be added to the forge.
More tools.
Brick texture doesn’t connect properly.
If you agree/disagree please let me know, every little bit of advice is greatly appreciated.
Yes, the lighting needs some work, I’m trying to fix that right now. Fire has already been added (kinda).
Not quite sure if i agree with the smoke coming from shoe tho.
Perhaps can change another type of brick texture which has more dirt/grunt or color not so uniform? Bricks look rather flat and less interesting than the back wall. Hopefully when the lighting is done can see more shadow cos the wall and floor doesn’t seem to connect well and the forge is like “floating”.