I want to get into architecture, specifically rendering rooms and scenes for company’s for pay. I have a few accounts on freelance websites, but i haven’t taken on any assignments yet because i’m not sure of my overall skills and i don’t want to fail my first project.
The first picture is real and the second picture is Blender. if you were a company would you consider hiring my based on this picture? (note* many items are missing such as the plants the picture frame and the items on the smaller desk but for the sake of critique assume they are present) <-- based on that how much would you be willing to pay me for say 5 rooms/office space concepts rendered like this complete with walk through’s - $30 - $100 - $250?
I will post more pictures of this scene as i gather feedback and suggestions on what to do. The first thing I know i have to do is make the lights more intense to match the picture, but the camera i used captures intense looking light but in person the lights look much closer to the blender render. Also i need to add some sort of light falloff node since the light on the ground is too intense.