" Fit " Image Texture

When I try to use image texture in a mockup I created, it is out of size. I assumed it will use something like " Fit " as we use in wallpapers. I played with Flat, Repeat, Single Image, Linear etc but no luck.


This is the image used from the source

Any help on this will be great.

to fit the image you have to go to UV editor. to perfectly fit image on object try project from view while unwrapping.

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I am not sure how to

1 Project from view
2. Command for unwarp

It would be great if you can point me to the right document or video Thanks.

I got this far

alright so you want the front face of the object (the one pointing the camera) to have this texture fitted to it right? So, only unwrap that face not the whole object, and here its a simple plane so no need to use project form view :smiley:

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if you still stuck ill take a few screenshots let me know

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How to do that ?

Selected the face. I think I did it right. Not sure what now

Not sure this is the right thing to do.I resize the selection window inside the drawing area. Now face is selected and the selection area covers the card image completely. Thanks.

Yep. That’s the right thing to do

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This is what I have now. It is mirrored. I am not sure how to fix it.

All good. I had a -180 degree for Y axis in Shading > Mapping

Thanks to all :slight_smile:

yup thats’s it :slight_smile:

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