I wanted to ask u about this because its the main problem that I get into every single time and Im just leaving it there cause my way of fixing doesn`t seem okay.
First thing, I’d check for overlapping points with a merge by distance.
Then, is this going to be “hard-surface”? If so, I don’t worry about non-quad topology.
Otherwise, you need some loop cuts then make up quads as possible.
If you’re not talking about quads, but want additional segments on the bevel, then unless you have MeshMachine, I’d use MiraTools UnBevel.
You’re right man. It’s just that I like the sub-d workflow for creating high poly meshes, so it’s kinda important for me to keep it quads, but I’m still learning a lot so I’ll find a way to use triangles and quads in a decent way in the future.