Fixing normals orientation

Hello everyone, I’ve got a problem with mesh normals.
as you can see in this image the blue parts has right normal, and the red ones has wrong normals.

Is there any way to fix the normals in automatic way, I tried to recalcute it but the result it’s not good.

In Edit mode: Mesh → Normals → Recalculate…

Already tried it but it doesn’t work well

Well… this seems to be somekind of city… so i guess there is somekind of texture… any hints about this in the source…

So the problem is simply: this is just bad data ??

Yes I agree that is a bad data, but I need to work with it, so is there any way to fix it? something like: if I select manually some faces (blue and red) and decide to make it all blue

Same menu… flip normals… but… this sees… oh wait maybe using Point to target and usinfg an empty “high above” the city ??

Edit->Mesh->Normals->Set From Faces sometimes works for me with troublesome normals. Select all faces then use it.

Did you use OSM to import the city? It looks like it is just the streets that are affected, and If I remember right they are imported as Curves, which should show up in the Outliner as separate objects. If so, try selecting the roads in the outliner, and converting to mesh…then see if you can change the normals…

I believe that Blender GIS is the same way, maybe an SVG but would work the same…

It’s a plugin that make you able to download google tileset. But I can’t fix this normals in any way because they are so irregular.