Hey guys! I started on a project, i want to make the intro of Flapjack in 3d.
So far i made the models of Flapjack and K’nuckles and i rigged them a little.
OK, i need help. When i move flapjacks head the hair doesnt move with him… what to do?
I now duplicated the top of the head and make that emit the hair, and parent it to the bone.
This is an internet forum, you cannot expect people to reply right away, they don’t hang out here 24/7
The characters look good, a lot like their 2D counterparts (didn’t know them, but my friend Google did). I think the blue guy’s hat shouldn’t be so shiny, as I think it’s supposed to be leather. Good work overall, and as this is a work in progress, I’ll wait for more updates.
Thanks. I know, i could be impatient sometimes, but im sick at home so i have nothing to do xD
I will continue with this tomorrow
I like it - the whale is awesome
Ok, first animation progress: the mouths. I know, it looks creepy and the whales mouth is half underwater, but its a test. ( this is viewport rendered, just so you know )
I think it could use some borders.
It’s looking good though, good job!
give it a line render on the outside of it like edge detect
or toon coloring would be good too
good idea, i might do the edge thing in the final render, but until then ill only do viewport renders because rendertime is 40 seconds per frame xD
here is another step
Ok, so i render this one out, took a very long while (like 17 hours because of the water)
Here is the link, i will post this on the Finished Project as well.